Problems Of Eastern India Part I

India is a country with major national issues to be solved being at hand to be solved. Many of these problems are found in the mineral rich eastern parts of the country where low economic development has lead to drastic illiteracy, poverty leading to armed struggle from the tribals in the form of the Naxal movement. 

The Naxalites have a huge presence in this region, controlling heavily forested areas. They are tribals who rose up against the government in the late 1970s.The conflict goes back to the failure of implementing the 5th and 9th Schedules of the Constitution of India.

These Schedules provide for limited tribal autonomy towards exploiting natural resources on their lands and land ceiling laws which limit land to be possessed by landlords, as well as distribution of excess land to landless farmers and labourers. The caste system is a big social aspect of this conflict too.
The Central and State Governments have been fighting vigorously to protect innocent lives in the underdeveloped parts of 10 states where news of slain policemen and wounded CRPF officers is frequent. The Naxalites have advanced weapons and huge funding. 

These Schedules provide for limited tribal autonomy towards exploiting natural resources on their lands and land ceiling laws which limit land to be possessed by landlords, as well as distribution of excess land to landless farmers and labourers. The caste system is a big social aspect of this conflict too.

Mao Zedong, the first leader of Communist government in China after World War II, provided the ideology for the Naxal movement, advocating that Indian peasants and tribals overthrow the government and upper classes by armed conflict.

Their influence steadily grew till they became a threat to governance in 2007 with their presence in 180 districts of the country covering parts of ten states in southern and eastern India but, as the Central Government upped the ante on these insurgents, their influence reduced by 50% since 2010. 

At least 20,000 Naxalites have been arrested from 2009 to 2013 with many joining the police and the paramilitary forces to help the Government in tracing the location of Naxal camps in the dense forests.


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