Silent Whispers

The wind doesn't know what it whispers these days,
The weather has always held a power to amaze,
Each time there's a different tune the rain plays,
I don't like how dangerously the coconut tree sways.

The heart was never afraid of being set on fire,
I have realized love is something we can't acquire,
You also can't expect to find it in a proven liar,
It can't be found in someone full of worldly desire.

I can't find someone who makes my heart whisper,
Someone who makes life seem like a fun adventure,
Someone who finds beauty in the endless azure,
Someone who laughs with me as I turn balder.

Life is all about small moments is what I've heard,
It ain't a broth that needs to be carefully stirred,
It is about embracing that which is unheard,
Finding some lessons which can be transferred.


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