A Conversation With My Diary

Buddy what has happened?
Why have you not scribbled on me?
What happened to those nights?
When I was the only thing you wanted.

I know that you miss my touch buddy,
But, I'm not able to pour the words,
It feels as if a fairy stole them,
She stole my words and my heart,

Why didn't you feel like telling me?
After all, I've recorded the stories of your crushes
Then why are you hiding it from me?
Did something or someone replace me?

No, it's not like that, I admit I forget you!
I admit I've hidden you in a corner!
But, you know what? I regret that! I really do!
Forgive me my first and most loyal friend!

My favourite human, you're always cherished,
Come, now, paint me with the hues of ink,
Bleed your sorrows and your disappointments,
Spill secrets, moments and people on me.


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