Finding Your Talents

I have struggled and fought right through my teenage to find out who I really am. There was a lot of self doubt  about whether I could really do anything substantial in life. Funny thing is till the start of August 2016, I had taken the decision to not pursue graduation. Most of my friends advised me that I had done the wrong thing. Even my teachers were of the same opinion. I wasn't ready to agree with them. My reducing energy was reason enough for me to stop studying.

For 3 months, I was at home, trying to figure out what to do next. Suddenly, my father told me that I should go to a stock broker's office and learn how money can be put to use for producing more. For a month, I just looked at how everything worked. Soon, I was doing investment myself. By the time 6 months, were over, I had already made about 12-13% profit.

I don't have any faith left in the education system that our country has prioritizes memory above each individual’s all round development. Yes, I have completed my school studies. But, I didn't gain much from just keeping my reading limited to school books. I read a lot of books which were not in the school curriculum. If I had remained restricted to school books I wouldn't even have the ideas or words for blogging. It is always said that a person's reading choices make a huge difference to a person's life.

I read some of the best writers in the world to become a good writer. The writers of today's time don't really appeal me save for a few.Every person has some hidden talent which needs to be unearthed. I found mine after a lot of pushing and guidance.But, refining it took a lot of effort and a lot of time! Me, for one had fought with all my will against my disease that confined me to a chair that didn't stop me from radiating positive energy to all the others around me.

Life is full of opportunities and the choices we make are what makes us who we are. I strictly believe this. I have a quote for all of you.

Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do-John R.Wooden.
There is another.
You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen- Michelle Obama.

In conclusion,I can say that one should not lose hope in life when one feels lost. Instead,one should hunt for the hidden talents, that one possesses. One day you will find all the success in life. So fret not, when life becomes tough, the tough get going.


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