My First Date

When I saw her the first time in class,
Boy was I blown away!
By her deep piercing eyes,
By her alluring and pure smile,
By her song bird like voice.

Whenever I waved at her, she smiled back,
Sometimes, our eyes met in class,
She'd stare back with such love,
I'd feel like hiding my face in a book.

Soon, I decided to ask her out,
I wrote a beautiful message on a chit,
I gave it to her very nervously,
The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.

When her reply came,
I went literally mad,
My happiness knew no bounds,
Finally, it would be just her and me!

I wanted to hug her really tight,
I wanted to let silence speak,
I wanted her head on my shoulder,
I wanted to stroke her beautiful hair.

Finally, the day that I was waiting for came,
She was dressed simply yet looked gorgeous,
I was speechless for two whole minutes,
I didn't even get up to pull her a chair out.

When I told that she was looking amazing,
The way she looked away, blushing, I had no words,
Our eyes met, I got lost in her eyes, silence spoke,
When I finally started to talk, her smile never went.

There was something about her that pulled me,
Suddenly, I felt her soft, warm hand touching mine,
My whole body tingled with glee and love,
I just wished that I could make her mine.

Talking to her was quite fun and beautiful,
The hours seemed to pass in no time,
I forgot all my worries and troubles,
I didn't want her to go back home at all.

So I walked her home, holding her hand,
Her arm wrapped around my shoulders,
It was quite cold, so I gave her my jacket,
We continued talking to each other as we walked.

As her home approached she became anxious,
She didn't want to leave me at all,
She told that she couldn't stop thinking about me,
That very moment I took her in my arms.

That moment lasted for a long, long time,
It felt as if she was sleeping in my arms,
It felt awesome that someone loved me,
Finally, we came outside her house.
As she went inside, she smiled, blowing me a kiss.


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