My Detrioration

I was able to walk on my toes till the age of nine, but as I came into grade five, things changed, I was no longer able to walk, my parents decided to send me to normal school and kept an helper for me, the day she found out that was no longer able to walk. I was felt left out by my classmates as they struggled to get grips of my condition.My parents had to bathe me and take care of my calls of nature. I was just able to write lesser pages, from ten pages in an hour, now I can hardly write one in the very same time. I am not able to drink water from a 500 ml bottle, I have to be fed my food.
       In tenth grade, during my board examinations, I fought through severe back pain and fatigue to secure 90.66%. As I could not write exams now, I was provided with a writer so that I was able to complete my papers on time. I never let my disease grow big on me, taking it as the part of my life, and fighting back. 


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