Problems of Teenage

       Teenagers abound in the world today, they have great talent and potential to be unearthed, developed and cared for. 

  A swell in the global population of young people has the potential to transform economies for better or worse, depending on the decisions of today’s policy makers, according to a new United Nations report.   

In a report released by the UN Population Fund estimates that the global population of young people between the ages of 10 and 24 has hit 1.8 billion. Great news if you fall under this age group, but, let reason dawn, to unlock your potential governments are under pressure to step up investment. 

 The challenges are most acute for less developed countries, where nearly 9 out of 10 of the world’s young people reside. India alone has a youth population of 356 million. The report’s authors called on governments and donors to invest in this population’s education, employment and health. 

 “International support can unlock the potential of the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, changemakers and leaders,” write the report’s authors. Amazingly, the problems are much bigger in reality. The opinion of teens can be swayed very easily, such that wrong turns right within seconds.    

Ethics and values have taken a back seat in many cases. Some teens in developed countries have been reported of holding fire arms and using them at innocent fellow mates. Some turn rebellious and at a later age join terrorist organisations.  

 Some turn drug addicts and pollute the society. Some turn cynics and start criticising the environment they have been brought up under. Some become smartphone and gadget drugged, leaving dreary eyes and tired bodies in their wake.  

Some struggle to decide what they have in mind for the future and how are they going to reach the success they want to achieve. Some have social issues which eat them inside through and through without sharing them to anyone. Some give their lives up in cowardly suicide due to unfulfilled dreams and lives. 

                                                                                                    Teenagers are always fighting in their minds about their priorities, friends and family. If they share everything with their friends then they are accused of hiding secrets from the family, if it is the contrary then their friends accuse them of hiding secrets from them. They are always trapped in a vicious cycle. 

If they are born into poverty, with no educational or vocational skills, they are forced to work tirelessly to fill the stomachs of their families. Their lives take a turn for the worse as they grow. 

Girls are not allowed to pursue education in developing countries especially in rural areas, are confined to housework and are married off early and their life turns into a nightmare with early pregnancies, fatigue issues and what not. Girl's education is a priority in these nations. 

The youth's energies need to be channelized into the right areas, and developed and nourished. For this to happen, malnutrition needs to reduce, educational and sporting facilities at the grassroots level need huge upgradation. Basic sanitation and connectivity also needs a cash boost, hence, making knowledge centres more accessible.


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