Parent Child Relationship in Teenage Years

     Parent Child Relationships face breakdown during Teenage

    The period of teenage is very challenging for both the child and his  parents. The parents always want their children to be happy, successful and clear headed in the decisions the children make. But, what they feel right about their child may not always be true. Each child does not want to be an engineer or a doctor. They may become anything from footballers to lawyers.
Hence, a child needs to be given enough leeway to decide their future, some freedom of letting them make their right friends, shown the correct ways to get out of a problem and so on. 

 Teenagers need to understand that parents are not always forcing themselves on you, all that they want is you to be happy. Parents should try and act as friends not ordering, bustling leaders that block a child's creativity, they should pay careful attention on how they speak to a teenager is of a friend.
 Teenagers are prone to being influenced by their peers.So, it is imperative that whatever they do should be ethically right, however fun the activity may be and however insist their peers are.In late teenage, alcohol and drug abuse can be a threat according to the company,a person keeps.

Children always feel that they are misunderstood by their parents and that they don't know the problems faced by them in this internet and social media dominated and increasingly virtualizing world. The children hide embarrassing incidents from their parents. Low performance in exams,fights with close friends and the teacher scolding them for being a constantly distracted presence in class. Unknowingly, they are shirking from their responsibility to share everything with their parents which might help them in the future.


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