Brother's Love

Waking up every morning,
There is a sight to behold,
Seeing my tiny twin brothers rubbing eyes, 
In an effort to rub away the night's sleep,

Who does not want someone younger to lead?

Who does not want to see the laughter of a child?
Luckier is the person who has two kid brothers,
To play with, to teach them the right way of life,

The world turns into a beautiful dream,

When two kids take up the job of spreading joy, 
With broad smiles and comical acts, 
Exploring the world with tiny eyes,

Marvelling at moving objects,

Staring at still things,
Though they are themselves in motion,
Restless, careless, yet full of happiness,

Showing the world how important,

Every moment thoroughly enjoyed is to happy life,
Though a tiny child may seem oblivious to emotion,
They are good at finding,

The difference between happiness and sadness, 

Which eats people inside out like a termite,
Needs to be eliminated to change life,
A child's smile acts as a healer for this ungainly parasite.


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