Leading yourself towards your goal is easy,
Leading two or more people not so,
You need to become an ideal person to lead others,
People like to work with those who lead from the front,

Not those who throw their weight around and are lazy,
These kind of people can never become leaders,
Be good, honest, humble and caring to those work under you,
Never back out from helping those who face difficulties,

 Help, support and an amicable relationship creates leaders,
An aggressive demeanour can destroy and eliminate leaders,
A new approach to superior-subordinate relationship,
Open minded and easy demeanour to suggestions,

Leaders are those who never back down facing a challenge,
 But, continue fighting till they win,
They prevail over extremely challenging conditions,
They light up an inspiring story in a dark world,

They give hope to millions by urging them to dream,
Yet they are always down to earth,
Never boasting of themselves,
Instead saying that there is a long, long way to go,

A leader motivates the people around him,
He gives the people a bright light of hope,
 A leader never gives up as a lost cause,
Always egging them on to prove themselves to their detractors,

The world lives and mourns with the death of a leader,
Leaders are talked about and inspire for years to come,
Their names are called out with utmost reverence,
Sacrificing selflessly for others is a mark of a leader,

A leader gives proper guidance to everyone,
A leader is first a teacher to all,
Some leaders carry a special place for children,
As they know that kids carry the world forward,

 Leaders acknowledge the values of friendship, mutual interest, care, compassion and peace,
Bravery is a virtue of a leader,
Long live those who lead others! They hold a special place
In our hearts for time immemorial!

-Kumarpal Vardhan.

This is a special tribute to Nelson Mandela and Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam and all other leaders who gave their lives to lighting up people's lives with a sense of immense satisfaction. Long live their memories!


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