Ferrari- My First Love

Not so long ago, I saw you for a fleeting moment,
But your heavenly beauty etched it in my heart permanently,
There you are showing off your gleaming and unruly self,
Ready to cut through winding roads at wild speeds, one imagines,

With a roar of your engine echoing through valleys ,
Powering away like a herd of horses blowing up puffs of dust,
Those who drive you are mere mortals giving you direction,
You are a force of nature much like the prancing horse on your chest,

A great driver lives and dies by your side if he makes a mistake,
If he lets you slip at maddening speeds on a wet road,
Teaching us the art of restraint at a huge price,
Those who own and drive you are lucky beyond measure,

Enchanting many but bullying many into looking stupid in front of you,
You take us on a ride eternal through valleys and mountains,
To new heights where many deny to have reached,
Your voice goes through my ears, getting my heart racing,

Sending me to a different world where you are mine,
Where I ask you to roar all day just to satisfy myself,
Where I ask to entertain me by throwing you at corners,
Pummelling you on a straight road to extract every ounce of speed,

I spend hours on the wheel driving you over huge distances, just you and me,
Your unreal speeds asking to cross speed limits with no fear,
You tempt me and I keep my right foot like a monk meditating,
But before I can embrace you, reality dawns and you leave,

Your engine roars and wakes up, calling you wild horses back to life,
The red light relents becoming green like lush grass,
Asking you to jump ahead and shoot away into distance,
Bringing out a yelp and a growl from the engine cutting out all other noise,

I say goodbye with bated breath asking you for our next meeting,
The sooner it is, the lesser the pain,
Just one ride with you is enough to change life,
Be it red, yellow or blue, you look eternal in every shade,

People crave to see you turn up firing on all cylinders,
And most of the time you don't disappoint,
The blaring screams and gurgles from your unsatisfied engine,
Is enough to prize open the hearts of many,
Goodbye my dear Ferrari! Rev yourself home! 


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