
A martyr is a person who selflessly sacrifices his life,
A soldier, a man who fights for justice of for equality,
Those who die giving this selfish world a mirror,
Of how to sacrifice can be given selflessly,

I am grateful for being born an Indian,
Because this is a land where bravery is everywhere,
But sadly, now my country is home to people who call crime bravery,
 To people who call themselves corruption kings,

Where people are ready to kill for small matters,
Where the value of life given is as good as zero,
Where men who exploit the weak are roaming free,
Where women fear for their dignity every night,

There was a time when the people were honest,
They were able to go to new heights to serve the country and the people,
A time when the poorest was willing to fight till death,
Just so that the future generation could live in freedom,

They went their merry way just so that people would not suffer
The exploiting foreign ruler's racist and inhuman treatment,
Where people were left to die in drought or in conflict,
When farmers were forced to cultivate cash crops,

Just so that people in far away foreign lands could live in luxury,
Wasn't that against human dignity and collective welfare,
They were the same people who said they were fighting a war for freedom,
Freedom from what? Freedom from life or freedom from the right?

But martyrs fought for freedom from hate and enmity,
They died to make the world a better place,
Where there is no poor or rich, where everyone is equal,
Where everyone is free from label of big and small,

Where there is unity in action,
Even after Independence, The Armed Forces,
Stand guard on our frontiers to give us good sleep,
Giving their lives away however indifferent we remain,

Across the border, there are some people ready,
To kill the innocent in cold blood,
The soldiers face them bullet for bullet,
Giving their lives away selflessly,

We only talk about martyrs who had names or big posts,
We don't talk about those unmanned martyrs,
Who died in riots, terrorist attacks or bombings,
We don't think about those policemen,
Why? Oh why? Didn't they sacrifice selflessly,
A martyr is anyone who dies as a lesson to others.

Dear friends, this was my special tribute to soldiers all over the world not just for the Independence Day in India. 


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