Time: Never Comes Back
Time.The one thing that everyone blames for their missed opportunities. Use this well and success is yours, your friends and family appreciate you for your diligent work. Use it badly and no one will be there to support you in trouble. I have a story for all of you to help better understand the value of time.
A few years ago, a married couple were about to have their first child. The expectant mother was inside the labour room. Her husband was walking nervously in the corridor outside. Soon, he heard the voice of a child crying, he was relieved.
The nurse came out of the room and congratulated him for becoming the proud father of a healthy baby boy, informing him that he could visit his wife. The small family had a joyful moment. Taking the little bundle of joy into his arms. As he looked into the baby’s eyes, a smile lit up on his face.
Soon, the family was back home. The mother had hired a nanny to care for the child. The father got back to work. Unfortunately, whenever he returned home from office, the child would be sleeping peacefully.
This went on for a few months & the father kept missing out on quality time with his child. The father and child played a bit before leaving for work, but, that was it. On weekends, he would go out of town for work and return tired. Soon six months passed and the baby started crawling.
The mother called out to her husband saying, “My dear, please make an effort to come home early to play with your boy, if you don’t do so, then he won’t know the real value of a father.” These words kept ringing in his head on his way to work.
He decided to take care that he would complete his work an hour or two early. Suddenly, his phone started ringing. Answering the phone, what he heard shattered him completely. His wife weeping inconsolably, informed him that their child lay dead. The child suddenly started gasping and was taken to the hospital. An hour later, the doctor broke news that the child had a huge hole in his heart which cut off blood to the heart.
This tragedy made him realize what precious moments he lost when his child died. Had he not given some of his time to his job, he might not have lost out on those moments with a smiling child. Time never waits for anyone. When our time with someone so close to our heart gets over, all we are left with is regret and the feeling of what might have been. We can all fight with time when we are yet in the world, not after we leave it. We are just a weak creature to the workings of time.
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