Waiting For Her

I've been lurking in front of your door,
Hoping to meet you before I go away,
I remember embracing you on the floor,
My dreams taking me on a journey faraway,

I call you in the hope you'd want to see me,
You ignore my attempts to reach you,
I wait there, distraught, making a plea,
My mind questions whether our bond was true,

I remember how our hands used to entangle,
Your gaze would leave my words in shackles,
Looking at you in tears made my nerves jangle,
I would recognize you from your chuckles,

I remember your gazing at the rain,
Crying, talking about the one who left you in pain,
Telling how you'd keep catching his memory's train,
I promised that I won't give you that pain,

Now here I am, on your door, waiting patiently,
Not knowing that you've replaced me silently,
You shared your pain & troubles so conveniently,
How easy it was for you to use me so bluntly?


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