Courageous Liar

How easily you wear the mask of truthfulness,
I've always wondered on lonely moonlit nights,
When I first saw your facade, I didn't know,
How toxic your presence in my life would be,
You came across as that breath of fresh air,
That people yearn to meet all through their lives,
Yes, that was what you seemed to be for me,
A friend who paints you a unique perspective,
I grew to admire your outspoken behaviour,
You never liked people who loved to criticize others,
Whenever we used to go out with friends,
You were the most jolly, welcoming and comic,
As close friends you confided in me quite a bit,
Not once did I doubt your behaviour and words,
Months passed, friendship got stronger,
You knew about each of my previous flings,
I shared them with you doing a folly,
One day, someone spread a rumour about me,
Something definitely shady and uncouth,
You asked me whether it was true,
I was a little taken aback by your question,
Didn't you trust me? Or was it a pretense?
I replied in the negative, but, you didn't believe,
You just went and shouted the rumour,
At the top of your voice in the entire campus,
I was surprised how flat your lies were,
I couldn't believe you'd take advantage of me,
But, you did, stealing my faith in people,
I spend days finding someone trustworthy,
Coz, someone whom I trusted tore my trust into shreds,
Giving it to the fire of hatred and betrayal,
Now, I hide in shadows away from people,
Pouring my love on myself and my words.


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